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What is Bifrost Designs?

Bifrost Designs is a mixed medium small online costume and art shop. Primarily specializing in the crafting of Norse & Viking themed costumes, jewelry, and goods, in addition to design and illustration among our many other artistic endeavors.

We pride ourselves in using only ethically sourced materials, symbols that haven't been appropriated from other cultures, as well as one of kind pieces you can be excited to own and show your friends or family!

Sunflower Tea Hangerock Beads


Our mission at Bifrost Designs has always been to deliver beautiful and unique handmade goods to the community at large, all while refusing to use appropriated imagery or unethically sourced materials. Everything is made by hand, all while keeping the safety of our consumers as well as our suppliers in mind.

We don't f*ck with symbols we can't track. We don't buy from businesses we don't trust.


For Bifrost Designs, even though times are hard, the future is bright; and that future is found in people, in diversity and in finding joy in the little things, not in AI, in theft, or in "traditionalism." In these times of uncertainty, it's more important than ever to find the beauty in small joys. To support our local community, small businesses, and artists.

Real people. Real art. No problematic shit.

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